Women on the wall
No fancy lights. No extravagant posing. Just you.
Back in December, I had the district pleasure to host an event in my studio which I called “Women on the wall” or WotW for short. 12 gorgeous women came into the studio, stripped down in front of one another and cheered each other on. It was the most surreal things I’ve been a part of and I am SO proud of each female who came in and let themselves be vulnerable.
We sipped mimosas, ate some fresh fruit and told each other how nice our butts looked. If you wanted a sneak into how my facebook group functions, this event was it. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever forget that day, that’s how impactful it was to me.
Want to check out what I’m talking about?? Join my exclusive Facebook group >>>HERE!<<< Now, enjoy these gorgeous ladies in their raw beauty!