5 Facts about Booking a Boudoir Session with Envy Boudoir

You booked your session, now what?

You may or may not be shitting your pants right now wondering “holy shit i’m actually doing this??…I don’t even know what to expect. HELP.” and maybe even sprinting to the nearest exit.


It’s alllllllll good and I can promise that it is much, MUCH scarier that you’re making it out to be in your head than what it ACTUALLY is. It’s honestly just hanging out with a couple of gal pals, only difference is you’re getting naked (LOL sorry, I had to). But seriously, it’s so much fun to get to know each and every one of you from the pre session consults to spending the whole day hanging out at your sesh. So without further ado, here are the biggest 5 facts about booking a boudoir session with Envy Boudoir:


  1. ANYONE can do boudoir!

    That’s right, no matter your shape, size, color, lifestyle or whatever else you can think of to muster up any sort of excuse NOT to do it, doesn’t matter. If you have a body, you can do boudoir.

  2. You WILL be nervous, and that’s okay.

    A majority of the gals who come in are every day women like you and me. They’re sisters, wives, mothers and friends. They are ALL nervous when they come in because it’s not every day that you get photo ready glam make up done and strut around in lingerie (unless that is your daily life then you go, glen coco!). That’s where I come in and help work the nerves out. I guide you through every pose, movement and give every body part direction. There is nothing you need to prep for, other than stretching. You’ll thank me later.

  3. Preparation is KEY to an amazing boudoir session.

    Please, for the love of god, READ the checklist I send you and take it to heart. I was naive when I had my own boudoir session done and I regret not listening to my own damn advice. Key things to keep in mind is to drink a TON of water the week leading up to you session so your skin is nice and dewy, have everything properly groomed and waxed a few days before (razor burns are not cute and not easy to edit out, fyi) and EAT a nice breakfast! I’m not lying when I say this is a 2 hour workout so fuel your body!

  4. Stretch marks, scars, freckles, and anything else permanent stays in your photos.

    Of course I go in and perfect your skin, but anything that is permanent stays. Why do I do that? Well, I want you to recognize the woman you see in the photos. I want you to be able to see those markings of life on your body and see that you are a stunning human regardless of any self proclaimed flaws and imperfections. Every time you look at your images, I want you to think of how fucking powerful you are even in your most raw form.

  5. You will leave empowered AFFFFFF.

    There’s something about putting yourself first for once that just changes your whole attitude. Not only do you get to put yourself first and relax, but you also get to be pampered by my creative team, listen to me tell you how fucking amazing you are for 2 hours, actually SEE how amazing you are and then you start to feel and believe it. Also being able to embrace your sexuality in any form and in a safe place gives you so much power that you can’t help but walk out of my studio feeling like Yoncè. You strut your stuff, boo, I’m always cheering you on!


There’s nothing to be afraid of, I promise you’re in amazing hands with me. If you have any questions, drop a comment! Otherwise, if you’re ready to book your own boudoir experience, click >>>HERE<<< to get on the calendar!


Saving for your session with Envy Boudoir